The Ohio State Technology Law Journal (OSTLJ) is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the publication of cutting edge research and writing at the intersection of law, policy, and technology.
We publish manuscripts from academics, practitioners, and policymakers. OSTLJ welcomes submissions of articles addressing any aspect of the relationship of law and technology, construed broadly; from all relevant disciplines, including law and business, engineering and science, the social sciences, and the humanities – so long as the manuscript addresses its topic in the context of legal or policy aspects.
A non-exhaustive list of published topics includes: IP, biotechnology, energy, fintech, telecommunications, emerging currencies, e-commerce, electronic democracy & election security, aerospace, science & technology policy, cybercrime, and the impact of technological innovations on legal doctrine and practice.
OSTLJ seeks manuscripts in three categories: full-length research articles; shorter, less formal commentaries that address cutting-edge policy topics; and topical reviews and responses to recent published works. Exceptional student research might also be considered, although publication outside of our staff is rare.
How to Submit an Article
Manuscripts should be submitted through Scholastica. Manuscripts should be submitted in an easily accessible format, with a preference for Microsoft Word, and accompanied by a CV. If you are unable to submit your article via Scholastica, please submit a CV and manuscript file to
Our Review Process
Authors may submit manuscripts to OSTLJ at any time, although the highest volume of submissions tends to occur from February-March and August-September of each calendar year.
Submissions are reviewed by multiple members of the Journal’s staff and occasionally by our faculty advisors. If a submission receives a ‘publish’ recommendation through the early stages, it will be reviewed and voted on by the full Editorial Board.
Expedited Review
Expedited review is available if you have received another offer, and wish to hear from OSTLJ before making a decision. Authors are strongly encouraged to utilize the expedite feature on Scholastica and to clearly state their deadline and the offering journal. If you have submitted your piece by email, please reach out to with “expedite” in the subject line of the email.
Upon Acceptance
By submitting an article for consideration, you acknowledge that your article, if accepted, will undergo a comprehensive editing process. If an offer is both extended and accepted, the piece will undergo complete edit in multiple phases by our student editorial board. We strive to take a light touch to your unique voice, while fully complying with the Bluebook.
In the event OSTLJ accepts your manuscript for publication, you would keep the copyright and grant to OSTLJ a free, perpetual, nonexclusive license to provide for the publication of your work. We require only that OSTLJ be the first print venue for the work we accept and that OSTLJ be credited as the original venue in any subsequent publication.
OSTLJ appears on both Westlaw and Lexis, as well as the EBSCO and HeinOnline databases. Our website provides free access to all of our content, and authors have the option of publishing their preliminary manuscripts on the site as accepted works-in-progress, should they wish to do so.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Chief Articles Editor at
- Michel Curry