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Faculty Publications

A searchable database of publications authored by the faculty of the Moritz College of Law, 1891 to present. You can search the database using any of the options below

Steven F. Huefner, Daniel P. Tokaji, Edward B. Foley & Nathan A. Cemenska, From Registration to Recounts: The Election Ecosystems of Five Midwestern States (2007).

Steven F. Huefner, Nathan A. Cemenska, Daniel P. Tokaji & Edward B. Foley, From Registration to Recounts Revisited: Developments in the Election Ecosystems of Five Midwestern States (2011).

Edward B. Foley, Ballot Battles: The History of Disputed Elections in the United States (2016).

Edward B. Foley & Steven F. Huefner, Principles of Law, Election Administration: Non-Precinct Voting and Resolution of Ballot-Counting Disputes (2019).

Edward B. Foley, Presidential Elections and Majority Rule: The Rise, Decline, and Potential Restoration of the Jeffersonian Electoral College (2020).

Edward B. Foley, Michael J. Pitts & Joshua A. Douglas, Election Law and Litigation: The Judicial Regulation of Politics (2d ed. 2022).