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Faculty Publications

A searchable database of publications authored by the faculty of the Moritz College of Law, 1891 to present. You can search the database using any of the options below

Ellen E. Deason, Praise (and Gentle Criticism) for Using U.S. Litigation Statistics to Praise (and Gently Criticize) Domestic and International Mediation Policy Choices, in Discussions in Dispute Resolution, Volume II: The Coming of Age (2000-2009) (Art Hinshaw, Andrea Kupfer Schneider & Sarah Rudolph Cole eds., forthcoming 2025).

Margaret B. Kwoka, Returning FOIA to the Press, in The Future of Press Freedom: Democracy, Law, and the News in Changing Times (RonNell Andersen Jones & Sonja West, eds., forthcoming 2025).

Jerry L. Mashaw, Peter M. Shane, Aditya Bamzai, Emily Bremer, Margaret B. Kwoka & Nicholas R. Parrillo, Administrative Law, The Amereican Public Law System: Cases and Materials (9th ed. 2025).

Amy J. Schmitz & David Brodsky, FAA Article re: Section 7, Bus. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2025)

Grace Y. Li, In Place of Prison, Ark. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2025)

Katherine Silver Kelly, Be Curious, Not Judgmental: Neurodiversity in Legal Education, Ark. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2025)

César Cuauhtémoc García-Hernández, Borders Shift, Laws Follow: Thoughts on the Future of U.S. Immigration Law, B.U. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2025)

Sara Sampson, Katherine L. Hall & Carolyn Broering-Jacobs, Ohio Legal Research (3d ed. forthcoming 2025).

Ruqaiijah Yearby, Editorial, The Return of Jim Crow: Government Discrimination Against Women, LGBTQIA+ Individuals, and Racial/Ethnic Minority Individuals, 114 Am. J. Pub. Health 1331 (2024)

Heather Payne, Reliance and Reliability, 15 U.C. Irvine L. Rev. (forthcoming).

Links: SSRN

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