The Divided Community Project seeks to support community leaders as they identify and address issues tearing at the social fabric of their respective communities. Grounded in dispute resolution, mediation, and dispute systems design theory and practice, DCP brings together, community leaders, activists, law enforcement, and academics to develop practice guidance for community leaders in diverse communities.
For materials connected to our #CampusBridge project, click
For DCP's newest first edition report - co-published with DOJ's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and Community Relations Service - titled Tools for Building Trust: Designing Law Enforcement-Community Dialogue and Reacting to the Use of Deadly Force and other Critical Law Enforcement Actions, click
In addition to the materials in this toolkit, DCP offers mediation, facilitation and conciliation services to communities at no cost through our Bridge Initiative @ Moritz. In the past three years we've worked in dozens of communities across the country. For more information, look here.
DCP offers this toolkit designed for community leaders, campus leaders, faculty, dispute resolution practitioners and others. We include all of our materials on this site and offer them for your attribution and consideration.
As you read below, consider whether you are a . . .
For more about DCP and our work, reach out to Deputy Director Bill Froehlich at