A community spirit that achieves the results mentioned above will be more than a slogan that might attract tourism or investment. Instead it will be what residents aspire to achieve working with each other in the community.
These aspirations for the future at a general level differ from agreement on immediate policy decisions to, for example, increase the gasoline tax to pay for infrastructure improvements. Agreement on community-wide hopes for the future though may facilitate discussions on narrower policy decisions.
Experience suggests that the questions below will help to test whether a particular idea for a community spirit will resonate broadly and deeply:
- Will it be deeply valued across societal and political divisions and by the vast majority of residents?
- Is it directed toward reducing the community’s current challenges – especially polarization and alienation?
- Is it special for your community – growing from history, experiences, geography, and traditions?
- Is it bent toward a sense of optimism, hope, and aspiration, while recognizing that the community has sometimes fallen short in realizing the values that the spirit embodies?
- Does it confer a sense of belonging to the community? Does it feel natural and authentic?2
“Community engagement is essential in creating a shared vision. Starting with overall community goals and values works better than starting with decision-making on immediate actions. If people agree on their future, it is easier for them to gauge the wisdom of immediate actions.”– Cheeying Ho, Executive Director, Whistler Centre for Sustainability.
Illustration of a local spirit responsive to these questions: In Orlando, Florida, following the June 12, 2016 shootings at the Pulse nightclub frequented particularly by gay residents and on that “Latin Night” also Hispanic residents, city and community leaders began to think of ways to help all residents realize that they belonged, and were valued. They began calling the spirit “Orlando United,” then some moved to “Orlando Strong,” with descriptions of Orlando residents united in creating an actively welcoming community for all. They tied Orlando’s welcoming spirit to the association of almost everyone in Orlando someone who worked at Disney World with its focus on expressing a warm welcome to visitors of all ages and nationalities. Soon Twitter hashtags, mugs, t-shirts, and even mixes of music appeared, displaying the wide engagement with Orlando’s spirit.