Chris Yaluma
B. A., Physics, Berea College
M. Ed., Transformative Education, Miami University
M. A., Education Policy, The Ohio State University
Ph. D., Public Policy and Management, The Ohio State University
Chris Yaluma is a dedicated researcher who is passionate about exploring the impacts of cutting-edge technology on societal and economic outcomes. His research focuses on public policy analysis and evaluation, primarily education policy and AI governance.
As Senior Research Associate at PDG, Chris manages research projects on the governance and management of AI and advanced analytics within private and public organizations.
Chris employs a multidisciplinary approach in his research, often utilizing quasi-experimental research designs. His commitment to producing impactful research has led to publications in esteemed peer-reviewed journals as well as non-peer reviewed publications.
Refereed Journal Publications
- Yaluma, C. B., Little, A. P., & Leonard, M. B. (2021). “Estimating the impact of expulsions, suspensions, and arrests on average school proficiency rates in Ohio using fixed effects.” Educational Policy, 1-28.
- Yaluma, C. B., & Tyner, A. (2021). Are US schools closing the “gifted gap”? Analyzing elementary and middle schools’ gifted participation and representation trends (2012–2016). Journal of Advanced Academics, 32(1), 28-53.
- Saultz, A., & Yaluma, C. B. (2017). “Equal access? Analyzing charter location relative to demographics in Ohio.” Journal of School Choice, 11(3), 458-476.
Other Publications:
- Yaluma, C. B., & Tyner, A. (2018). “Is there a gifted gap? Gifted education in high-poverty schools.” Thomas B. Fordham Institute
- Saultz, A., Mensa, Q., Yaluma, C. B., & Hodges, J. (2018). “Charter school deserts—High-poverty neighborhoods with limited educational options.” Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Dissertation Essays:
- Yaluma, C. B. The Impact of Introducing Statewide Virtual Charter Schools on District Segregation. Essay #1
- Yaluma, C. B. The Impact of Closing Virtual Charter Schools on District Segregation. Essay #2
- Lavertu, S. & Yaluma, C. B. The Impact of Collective Bargaining on the Management and Characteristics of District Personnel. Essay #3
Professional Affiliations:
- Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)