Alex Kreit
Alex Kreit is a leading expert on illegal drug and marijuana law and director of the Center on Addiction Law & Policy at Northern Kentucky University, Salmon P. Chase College of Law. Previously, he was director of the Center for Law and Social Justice at Thomas Jefferson School of Law and a co-director of the Criminal Law Fellowship Program. He is author of the casebook Controlled Substances: Crime, Regulation, and Policy, published by Carolina Academic Press, and co-author of the annually updated reference book Drug Abuse and the Law Sourcebook, published by Thomson Reuters (with Gerald F. Uelmen). Professor Kreit is frequently quoted in the media on drug policy and marijuana law issues, having appeared in news outlets including the Christian Science Monitor, the Fox News Channel, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, the San Diego Union-Tribune, VICE News and the Wall Street Journal.
Before coming to Thomas Jefferson, Professor Kreit worked as an associate at Morrison & Foerster in San Francisco and clerked for the Honorable M. Blane Michael on the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. Professor Kreit has taught in Hangzhou, China and Nice, France in Thomas Jefferson’s study abroad programs and as a visiting faculty member at Boston College Law School. He continues to practice law as a member of the Appellate Defenders Inc. panel, representing indigent defendants in state criminal appeals.
Professor Kreit is actively involved in the community. He was a member of the City of San Diego’s Ethics Commission, which is responsible for monitoring, administering, and enforcing the City’s governmental ethics laws. From 2009 to 2010, he served as Chair of the City of San Diego’s Medical Marijuana Task Force.