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Tuition Fees, 2024-2025 Academic Year

The program's tuition fees may be subject to slight adjustment each year. The total charge for full-time and part-time students are approximately the same. Full time students are required to complete the program within 3 semesters, while part-time students may select to complete the program between 5-8 semesters.

Below are the tuition fees you can expect with your program if you take the program fully online. If you intend to have a hybrid student experience and take a mix of online and in-person courses, you may be subject to additional fees charged to in-person students (COTA bus service fee; recreational fee; student activity fee; student legal services fee; student union facility fee). Details on these additional fees are included on the University's Explanation of Fees, Adjustment, and Refunds page.

Tuition AY 24-25, MSL Program
Ohio Residency for Tuition

To learn more how to qualify as a resident of Ohio for tuition purposes, please review “Ohio Residency for Tuition". Once you have applied for the MSL program, you can log in your Applicant Center through your Buckeye Link to check your residency status. If you believe you have been incorrectly classified as a non-resident of Ohio, you can reclassify through your Applicant Center. You can view step-by-step instructions for recently admitted students on the Applicants to The Ohio State University webpage.

Financial Aid & OSU Faculty & Staff Tuition Assistance

Moritz College of Law does not provide scholarships, assistantships, or fellowships. MSL admitted students may explore and apply for assistanships and fellowships at other schools/colleges of OSU.

We also accept payment through FAFSA loans, private loans, and third-parties.

Faculty and Staff Tuition Assistance Program: The Faculty and Staff Tuition Assistance Plan pays the tuition and fees of up to 10 hours per semester for eligible employees who take courses at Ohio State. The benefit is available upon employment in an eligible appointment of at least 75% FTE. Visit this website for more information about deadline to request tuition assistance, eligibility, tax implications, and others.